
Showing posts with the label International Organization for Migration (IOM) :Communications Internship (CFA-Int-002/23)

International Organization for Migration (IOM) :Communications Internship (CFA-Int-002/23)

International Organization for Migration (IOM): Communications Internship  (CFA-Int-002/23)      Position Title: Communications – Intern (National)   Position grade: Non-Remunerated but monthly subsistence allowance will be paid for transportation and living expenses  Duty Station: IOM Country Office based in Pretoria, South Africa  Appointment Type: Internship, six months with the possibility of extension   Closing date : 16 June 2023   The Internship Programme targets young, talented students and graduates willing to gain practical experience in a field relevant to the Organization through their involvement in daily working activities in migration-related areas, support/administrative functions, and/or different thematic areas.  Context:  The Intern will work under the overall supervision of the Chief of Mission, the guidance and supervision of other colleagues of the Programme Support Unit, and the ...